Sonim XP8 Smartphone | Verizon (2025)

Owned two XP8 since 2018

5 out of 5 rating

BeReal . 6 months ago

Yes, I'd recommend this product.

This phone is rugged. I love it! No issues for me. Other flimsy or flashy smartphones never cut it for me. So, I will probably get another XP8 eventually. That is loyalty to a great phone!

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Solid as a rock, poor performance

2 out of 5 rating

Justwantagoodphone . 1 year ago

Pros: built like a tank and has decent battery life. Cons: bottom tier hardware that was already several years old when this phone was released. Phone is sluggish and unresponsive. That would be acceptable if the phone was at least reliable at handling basic tasks like phone calls and texts, but it isn't.

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Excellent battery life, practically bulletproof

5 out of 5 rating

Sirswerdna . 2 years ago

Yes, I'd recommend this product.

I like the tactile buttons. It is bulky and heavy, but is also extremely durable, water resistant, and "spark" resistant. I always joke that if were in a rollover car accident, I could use this phone to break the glass and escape. Please Verizon, get the XP10 so I can enjoy me some 5G!

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As expected

4 out of 5 rating

Tom59 . 2 years ago

Yes, I'd recommend this product.

I like a heavier phone, which it is. It also is very durable, except for the rubber trim around the screen that has all peeled off. Mine is 3 years oldCamera sucks too many lighting and focussing options. Cant just point and shoot. I dont use the second sim card option or ptt option

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Waste of money.

2 out of 5 rating

Dumb sucker . 2 years ago

Crashed 3 times in the first 6 months, in less than a year the screen separated and sonim would not fix it. One of the main reasons I bought the phone was the three year warranty.

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Rugged and durable

4 out of 5 rating

JoeH . 2 years ago

Yes, I'd recommend this product.

If you need a rugged and durable phone this is for you. I work EMS and I live on a small farm. I can not begin to tell you how many times this phone has been dropped, run over with both a truck and a tractor, stepped on by a cow and dropped in a creek. I've sprayed it and kept using it. After 2 years the battery life dropped and functionality is less than ideal. It freezes and needs restarted at times.

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Great product

5 out of 5 rating

Sad4Verizon . 2 years ago

Yes, I'd recommend this product.

The Sonim is rugged and has great speed and connectivity. The only problem is that Verizon is too incompetent to even take an order for a new one.

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Tuff, Rugged Phone

5 out of 5 rating

Grumpy Gramps . 2 years ago

Yes, I'd recommend this product.

I have had this phone for 2 years, it's rugged. Great volume & Loud ringing. I'm hard of hearing and I downloaded a very good ring tone. Waterproof for me, I fell out of a boat while fishing and went to 15 feet before surfacing. phone still works. Have dropped phone above 5 feet, thrown it across the room hitting my safe with no damage and thrown it 20 feet across the driveway with no damage. (I don't have issues) Takes good pictures and has a good zoom. I like this phone. Aug.2022, I see a lot of post that say 2months, 4 months etc. which are actually a few years old because those reviews were there when I bought my phone.

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Tough unbreakable phone

5 out of 5 rating

Ketxp8800 . 2 years ago

Yes, I'd recommend this product.

This phone has been thru hell and back with me. It has unique features of usability that no other phone has. It will do everything and do it well. Cant wait for the XP10 5G coming out soon . I would buy this phone again for as long as they make them.

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Not happy

2 out of 5 rating

CD11 . 2 years ago

I bought this phone because it was heavy duty, and had a three year warranty. In less than a year it crashed twice loosing all my information. Next the screen separated from the phone, when I contacted Sonim to have it repaired I spent two weeks of emailing back and forth got mad and threw the phone in my desk. So now I’m paying for a phone I can’t use.

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Sonim XP8 Smartphone | Verizon (2025)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.